California living, let alone dreaming, Robbie has --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- the lifestyle of the original entertainers he so --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- admires: Frank Sinatra, Dean Martin, Tony --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- Bennett. The lucky guys. The ones who had it --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- made. Yet while he says his is “the best job in the --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- world”, Robbie has been known to take --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- antidepressants. The tattoos that run across his --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- body plot a course of self-discovery: “Chacun à --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- son goût” (“Each to his own”) and “All you need --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- is love”. --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- It’s hard not to feel sympathy for someone who --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- needs to have these affirmative statements inked --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- into their skin with a needle, a permanent --- RECORDSEPARATOR --- reminder to stay positive.